
26 Articles
NCBA Bank Faith-based forum

Churches Walk a Tight Rope in Giving to Kenya’s Ceasar

NCBA hosted its annual engagement with faith-based institutions at a luncheon themed “Navigating Tax Reforms for Sustainability”, where the recent tax compliance regulations...

Kenya's gambling industry

Inside Kenya’s Lucrative Gambling Industry – What Does the Future Hold?

With more than 100 licensed betting sites legally operating in Kenya, the East African nation boasts one of the largest betting industries in...

KRA - Tax collections

New Recruits Eager to Deliver Collect Sh180 Million for KRA

KRA Commissioner General, Mr Humphrey Wattanga, highlighted the impact of the Revenue Service Assistants, stating that they have contributed to an extra Ksh180.594...

Uasin Gishu Expects to Raise Ksh2.7 Billion After Tax Collection System Update

Uasin Gishu Expects to Raise Ksh2.7B After Tax Collection System Update

Uasin Gishu plans to raise about Ksh2.7 billion in revenues by updating the data of business owners within the county in its digital...

Tax measures in finance bill 2021

Experts Take on Tax Measures Proposed In Finance Bill 2021

Deloitte today released its analysis of the Finance Bill 2021, taking a deep dive into the proposed measures, the persons to be affected...

The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) officers have intercepted suspected 6,000 litres of ethanol that had been smuggled into the country. The ethanol, packed in 25 drums, were concealed inside a lorry transporting 50 bags of maize each weighing 90Kg along Thika Road. The interception happened on Thursday 15th April at Juja within Kiambu County. The goods have an estimated tax value of Kshs. 2,224,875. The interception happened after KRA officers received information that Directorate of Criminal Investigations Officers (DCIO) based in Kayole had seized a Mitsubishi FH lorry with 25 drums 250 litres of a colourless liquid suspected to be ethanol. Customs Officers rushed to the scene and with assistance of DCIO conducted a full verification of the goods to confirm the description and quantities conveyed by the above truck. The verification confirmed the colourless liquid to be ethanol. The driver of the lorry, Charles Kanyuga Gitonga, was arrested and will be arraigned in court. Being in possession of uncustomed goods is a violation of law under section 200 (d)(iii) as read with section 210 (c) of The East African Community Customs Management Act (EACCMA), 2004. Conveying uncustomed goods is also a crime under section 199(b)(iii) of the same law- EACCMA, 2004. Punishment upon conviction on the two offences is imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to a fine equal to fifty percent of the dutiable value of the goods involved and a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars and the vehicle and goods in respect of which such offence has been committed shall be liable to forfeiture in the case of the vehicle owner is charged respectively. KRA, in collaboration with other government agencies, continues to be vigilant at all ports of entry to curb trade of illicit goods and other transnational economic crimes. Taxpayers are encouraged to pay their taxes and remain compliant with tax laws in order to avoid punitive enforcement measures including prosecution. KRA is building taxpayers trust through facilitation to compliance and endeavours to make taxpaying experience better through provision of a courteous and professional service.

KRA Intercepts 6000 Litres of Ethanol Worth Ksh2.2 Million Tax

The interception happened after KRA officers received information that Directorate of Criminal Investigations Officers (DCIO) based in Kayole had seized a Mitsubishi FH...

Times Tower, the KRA headquarters in Nairobi.

KRA Warns Kenyans on Fraudulently Registered Vehicles

He noted that some of these vehicles may have been sold to innocent Kenyans who are not part of the scheme. Being in...

Kenya Revenue Authority headquarters at Times Tower Nairobi.

KRA’s Voluntary Tax Disclosure Program to Improve Revenue Collection

The VDTP provides a platform for a taxpayer to disclose tax liabilities that were previously undisclosed to the Commissioner for the purpose of...

solar lighting in kenya

KRA Shines Spotlight on Solar Lighting Firm Executive

KRA investigations established that Keflogic Systems Ltd was contracted by the Uasin Gishu County to provide solar street lighting.