Eillene Achieng’ Otieno, a subtle and elegant actress known for her beloved character as Senje on one of the most popular Showmax Original...
Titled 4 Play, this x-rated adult drama follows four men who, despite their chaotic personal lives, find friendship, love and perseverance in Nairobi’s...
Safaricom and MultiChoice have announced a joint strategic partnership where the mobile operator's customers will access exclusive TV shows, movies, sports, and documentaries...
The first episode of Nilichoma, now streaming on Showmax, follows Stephen Kevogo, a marketer who, while earning Ksh 800,000 a week, became addicted to...
One of the new housewives joining The Real Housewives of Nairobi S2, Zena Nyambu describes herself as a serial entrepreneur and a jack of...
Farah Esmail embodies a fusion of beauty, brawn and brains — a captivating blend of an impactful entrepreneur, seasoned corporate lawyer, and a...
Kyallo Kulture has always been, above all, about sisterhood, and in Season 2 we have witnessed the charm of it - the ups...
Multichoice Content Showcase 2023 was held to celebrate milestones and unveil new 2023 first quarter content propositions to customers that reflect the unique...
Showmax has revealed Dr Catherine Masitsa as the sixth housewife joining The Real Housewives of Nairobi. The fierce, no-nonsense Dr Catherine (aka The...