As known, the Hustler Fund is a loan product by the Government of Kenya aimed at expanding access to safe and affordable financial...
JUSTUS KIPRONOThe government is planning to start issuing Hustler Fund for groups in June, after mass registration of Micro Small enterprises (MSEs) across the...
BT Reporter"The hustler fund is run by the private sector, we have no access to it. No public official has access to the hustler...
BUSINESS TODAYAt least 800,000 Kenyans have defaulted on the Hustler Fund loans, President William Ruto has revealed. Up to February 3, 2023, 18 million...
BT ReporterThe government is looking to partner up with saccos for disbursement of the funds to eligible borrowers as the Hustler Fund enters its...
MARTIN SIELEA Facebook post listing the requirements for the Hustler Fund programme by the Kenyan government is PARTLY FALSE. The requirements in the claim are listed...
PESACHECKThe fund is supposed to offer affordable SME financing for Kenyans. Ruto stated that the business loans would be charged at a single...