
3 Articles

Glass Ceiling: Women Grab More Seats In Boardrooms

The 2021 Kenya Institute of Management Board Diversity and Inclusion Report indicates a significant improvement from 18% in 2015 to 36% in 2021....

Diana van Maasdijk (Equileap CEO), Rachel Shebesh (Public Service CAS), Andia Chakava (Chairperson New Faces New Voices Kenya), Isis Nyong'o Madison (Media and technology entrepreneur) and Geoffrey Odundo (NSE Chief Executive Officer) during the launch of the Gender Equality Report. www.businesstoday.co.ke

Kenya’s Tall, Dark and Handsome Employers

If employers in Kenya were to be ranked by women, these 10 companies would fit the tall, dark and handsome description bill. When...

Women who hold top positions at NSE listed companies in the form of CEOs/MDs or Board Chairs. www.businesstoday.co.ke

Spotlight Falls on Kenyan Companies as NSE Monitors Gender Equality

NSE joins with Equileap and New Faces New Voices to research on gender equality performance among listed companies.