The Central Bank of Kenya Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has retained the Central Bank rate (CBR), Kenya’s signal interest rate at 10.5%, citing...
Committee says it will continue to closely monitor developments in the global and domestic economy, including any perverse response to its previous decisions,...
The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) on Monday voted to retain the Central Bank Rate (CBR) at 9.00, saying inflation expectations remained well anchored...
The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) on Wednesday retained its signal rate at 9.00%, saying inflation expectations remained well anchored within the target range,...
Cytton says it believes that the MPC should adopt a wait and see approach, given the macro-economic environment is relatively stable
The MPC also put on hold a decision on interest rate caps, despite sustained calls from the banking industry, saying continues to monitor the...
Monetary Policy Committee says month-on-month overall inflation fell to 5.7% in October 2017 from 7.1% in September 2017, thereby remaining within the Government target...