How Nation’s new editorial structure will work

Nation Media Group’s law firm, Agula Advocates, asked for four days Nation lawyer asked for four days to make submissions.

The Nation Media Group has radically changed its editorial structure, which has resulted in redundancies but hoped to reduce expenses and bring in more revenues. The new structure, which leaves a number of editors redundant, is anchored on NMG’s digital-first strategy that prioritises breaking news on its digital platforms before cascading it to print and broadcast.

The new structure creates four levels of news management for NMG by centralizing the editorial process. The segments are: production, content generation, online and print, with Mutuma Mathiu as the Executive Editor.

Production, according to fresh details, will be headed by Eric Obino. He will be in charge of supervising editing and placement of all the editorial content for all the NMG newspapers including Daily Nation, Saturday Nation, Sunday Nation and Taifa Leo. The production desk will operate like a news agency, editing articles that will be picked by the various newspapers under Nation.

The second section is content generation, which will be headed by a Content Manager. Mr Tim Wanyonyi, who is currently managing editor of the Saturday Nation, has been given this position. Content team will be in charge of churning copy for the various platforms, taking up the newsdesk and news editor roles, meaning he will also be in charge of the writers. The content section will also manage external content suppliers, who have been contracted to provide articles for Nation newspapers in a new try at outsourcing editorial content.

SEE ALSO >> Full list of the changes and appointments

The third level will be online, which is the digital platform forming the fulcrum of NMG’s new online-first strategy. The media house will first break the news online before putting them up for editing for the newspaper or broadcast on TV. This will be the first stop of all news content.

The fourth section is print, which will encompass all the newspapers with its various editorial heads. The newspapers will be required to pick content from the production desk. Editors will select content that suits their products, which will already be copy-tested and edited. The editors of various sections will strive to differentiate themselves by picking the best stories for their platforms. This is the model used by big newspapers like The New York Times.


Written by

editor [at] businesstoday.co.ke

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