Laikipia North MP denies inciting pastrolists to invade ranches

Laikipia North Member of Parliament Mathew Lempurkel has threatened to sue.

Laikipia North Member of Parliament Mathew Lempurkel has denied inciting violence in which a number of people were killed in a fight between ranchers and pastoralists in the area.

The MP also denied allegation by Laikipia County Commissioner Mr Chege Mwangi that he has been inciting Samburu pastoralists to fight Kikuyu farmers and other tribes in the vast county and threatened to sue him. “I am ready to be investigated,” said Lempurkel. “I am ready for any eventuality. I have been a peace maker even before I was elected. I have been looking for peace for my people and there is no way I can advocate for violence.”

Speaking while commissioning a CDF project in his constituency, the MP said he has a right of assembly as an elected leader which is stipulated in the constitution. He challenged the County Commissioner and the regional coordinator to prove the allegations of incitement.

“If they will not have proved the allegation after seven days, I will take legal action against the two. Laikipia is our ancestral land and it belongs to all of us and not a few individuals.”

Last year, Mr Lempurkel submitted a petition to Parliament to have the County Commissioner investigated following the killing of several people in Segera area. The legislator wrote to the speaker to direct the Parliamentary Security Committee to carry out investigations and report the matter back to Parliament.

In February this year, scores of squatters demonstrated outside Laikipia County Commissioner’s office demanding to be allocated land but were told their grievances should be handled by Meru and Nyeri County commissioners.

NEXT READ >> Kenyans eating poisoned fish from ponds

Written by
BT Reporter -

editor [at] businesstoday.co.ke

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