Kenyans on Twitter cry over miSINGH land grabber’s name


[dropcap]T[/dropcap]here is something crazy about Kenyans. They can turn everything to a joke and their creativity especially on social media is out of this world.

On Thursday afternoon, Lands Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu released the names of people behind the Lang’ata Primary School land grabbing saga. The names, Mandip Singh Amrit, Manjit Singh Amrit, Harbans Singh Amrit and Kamal Prakash Amrit have caused an uproar on Twitter as Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) using the hash tag #NgiluSinghJokes to show displeasure with the names released, which all had the SINGH surname.

Here are some of your Tweets:

Luke Mulunda  @mulunda  

Eeeh, am not singhing along this land issue. Lemme head to UaSinghgishu #NgiluSinghJokes


adhyambo odera E ‏@adhyambo  

Yawa I die!ati some names were misSingh!#NgiluSinghJokes

#Butterfly™ ‏@namelesskenya  

It has been a while since I heard @AmaniMusician ‘s song , misSingh my baibe… #NgiluSinghJokes

Alex Blogger ‏@Moseax  

BOOOM Creative mind here “@Mitsmann: USingh an example, describe a #LandGrabber #NgiluSinghJokes” Haha…the answer is miSINGH from my brain

OtienoOgola® ‏@AlfieMmoja  

@junior_mutula: RiSINGH to the occasion is the only way to describe all these jokes #NgiluSinghJokes” & I don’t think we are miSINGH anyone

Martin Rotich ‏@martrotich  

If the land belonged to their school & they still got teargassed they must have been the bad one, Trespa-Singh. #NgiluSinghJokes

MgEngE 2TruE ‏@Noninimusic  

My Night has been made by this harshtag #NgiluSinghJokes Sai ni time ya kudos wacha niende MisSingh….

Stella Kiguta Nganga ‏@stellanganga  

@oduorcoyote: Langata land was just the start the next one will be the i-singh on the cake #NgiluSinghJokes

Betty Waitherero ‏@bettywaitherero  

Heh.. this Land grab thing is just embarra-singh.. #NgiluSinghJokes

Muganda Clay ‏@mqhlay  

GoK’s Public Relations machinery is having PResSINGH issues #NgiluSinghJokes


GIDI GIDI ‏@GidiOgidi  

Why are UoN Students rioting?, is one of the Singhs a comrade #NgiluSinghJokes

shaffie weru ‏@ShaffieWeru  

Just relaxSINGH in the house practising my local dialects….Chamge – MiSINGH…#NgiluSinghJokes

Maina Kageni ‏@ItsMainaKageni  

Q: Chamge!

A: MiSingh

Stephen Musyoka ‏@smusyoka  

2015 and you are still singhle. #NgiluSinghJokes

 2015 and you are still singhle. #NgiluSinghJokes

Betty Waitherero ‏@bettywaitherero  

Q. When you erect an illegal wall on grabbed land you are…?

A. Fen-Singh #NgiluSinghJokes

Maina Kageni ‏@ItsMainaKageni  

#RT #Stolen Q. What do you call a land grabber lying in an open school field? A. Relak Singh. #NgiluSinghJokes

Brown Skin ‏@Yuny_Nice  

No more releaSINGH fake tittle deeds #NgiluSinghJokes

SD Maundu ‏@SDMaundu  

The @county_nairobi Physical Planning Dept has a habit of lisen-Singh irregular projects. #NgiluSinghJokes

Meanwhile Kenyans are still waiting for ‘the name behind the names’ that Ngilu had said she will unleash and quit.


Written by

editor [at] businesstoday.co.ke

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