Hope and despair as New Budget is read

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Kenyans have expressed mixed reactions as the National Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich reads the new 2019/2020 budget that is estimated to cost Sh3.02 trillion.

Waiting outside the Treasury building in Nairobi, hope and despair was evident in the faces of Kenyans as the CS presented the Budget briefcase to the locals and the media fraternity.

Mr Joseph Maziwa hoped that the new budget will favour Mwananchi with reduction in food commodities, kerosene and diesel prices.

“I expect to see development across the nation after the new budget. We can achieve this by having reduction in the basic commodities and also in taxes,” said Mr Maziwa.

Mr Joseph Maziwa

He further faulted the government for the huge appetite for foreign loans that will be paid through taxes from the citizens of the country.

“It is a high time the projects started by public debt are completed and servicing its acquired loan to unburden Kenyans who are already struggling with the high cost of life,” he added.

{ Read: No major surprises in 2019/20 budget, experts say }

On the hand, Mr Nimrod Kitur is rather hopeful that the new budget will bring about creation of new job for the youth and favor the citizens of Kenya.

Mr Nimrod Kitur

“I am very hopeful that the new budget will benefit the people of Kenya in regards to the economy and jobs for the youth,” he said.

Ms Pauline Kivuva expressed despondency in the wake of the new budget. According to her, the economy will remain on the same level if not becoming more of a burden to Kenyans.

“In regards to the reality that the common mwananchi is suffering with high living standards, there is expectation that we are going to receive more burden with the new budget,” she said.

Big projects, she says, will take a huge chunk of the budget which will be funded by the domestic taxes.

Additional Reporting by Linnah Kennedy

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Brenda Gamonde
Brenda Gamonde
Brenda Gamonde is reporter with Business Today. Email: [email protected]
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