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Five reasons to spoil yourself without feeling g****y

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Sometimes it can be hard to justify those random treats you like to give yourself, whether it’s a pedicure or a weekend getaway. Even worse? The posttreat guilt that often sets in. Learn to ease up on yourself and focus on how much you deserve that reward, because the truth is, that treat will make you a better person in the long run. Need an excuse to kick back and relax? Here are five reasons you should go ahead and treat yourself.

You’ll feel rejuvenated. Taking the time to reward yourself is crucial to your well-being. Even if you just s***l away from your desk for a few minutes to sit in the sun, you’ll feel refreshed and energized. Small steps can mean big rewards, and you’ll return to your work with a fresh new attitude.

It’s will improve your mood. If you aren’t allotting some time and cash for the things you love to do, your energy will definitely be off. Squeeze in a fun class or a spa treatment a couple of days a month to lighten your spirit and boost your everyday joy.

You’ll have more to give. When you’re good to yourself, you have the capacity to be good to others, too. Regularly treating yourself means that you’ll be a better co-worker, friend, and significant other, so think of all that “me” time as a gift to both you and your loved ones.

It can serve as motivation. Set up a reward system for yourself so that each treat feels earned and well-deserved. Bonus: that light at the end of the tunnel will be a great inspiration that drives you to do more.

You’ll avoid burning out. If you simply go, go, go without ever taking a step back, exhaustion will likely set in, and you’ll have to take extra time to get back on your feet. Avoid any chance of burnout or illness by forcing yourself to treat your mind and body well. (www.popsugar.com)

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