Bolt, the ride-hailing platform, has announced the launch of scheduled rides, a new feature aimed at providing passengers with “convenience and peace of mind during their daily commutes and special events.”
Scheduled rides feature allows users to book a ride up to 72 hours in advance to avoid the last-minute hassle of finding a ride. Bolt Country Manager for Kenya Linda Ndungu, said the new feature will also be valuable for business customers, who through the Ride Booker feature on the Bolt Business account, can reserve rides for work-related trips or book the same for their business guests.
The company says advance booking allows customers to plan their journeys in advance and focus on other important tasks. With scheduled rides, Bolt says, passengers no longer need to worry about availability during peak hours or crowded events.
“They can rest assured knowing their ride is confirmed and will be ready when they need it,” the company said in a statement.
Also, passengers can choose their preferred vehicle type and add special instructions for drivers, making each trip personalised to their unique requirements.
This new feature is designed to ensure punctuality to prioritize timely rides for passengers, thus ensuring they reach their destinations on time.
“We are happy to introduce Scheduled Rides, a significant feature that adds even more convenience to our valued passengers,” Ms Ndungu. “Planning for a future trip is now easier than it has ever been on Bolt.
She said passengers have more control over their business and personal travel, making mobility seamless and more enjoyable.
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