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Justus Kiprono is a freelance journalist based in Nairobi, Kenya. He tracks Capital Markets and economic trends, infrastructure reform, government spending, and the financial impacts of state decision-making nationwide. You can reach him: [email protected]

370 Articles
Government Delivers Ksh3.4 Billion Inua Jamii Funds to Support Older Kenyans

Government Delivers Ksh3.4 Billion Inua Jamii Funds to Support Older Kenyans

Today, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection has announced Ksh3.4 billion Inua Jamii funding to ensure the safety and protection of older...

Kenya Power: Blackouts Hit Nairobi and Kiambu

KPLC: Nairobi Among 6 Counties to Experience Power Interruption on Tuesday

The Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) has announced the six counties that will experience planned power interruptions tomorrow, September 3, 2024; Nairobi...

KUPPET Teachers’ Strike to End as Deal Is Reached With TSC

KUPPET Teachers’ Strike to End as Deal Is Reached With TSC

After a day-long bargaining session on Monday, KUPPET (Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers), the teachers’ union representing over 109,000 teachers, reached...

Police and Teachers to Start Paying Medical Bills in Cash

SHIF: How Does Social Health Insurance Fund in Kenya Work?

The Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) in Kenya is a comprehensive public health insurance service under government administration, established by The Social Health...

Explained: Why HELB Loans for New Funding Model (NFM) is Delaying

How to Link HELB With Mpesa

The Higher Education Loans Board (HELB), a state corporation in the Ministry of Education, has been a leading financier of higher education in...

All Steps for Studying in Malaysia From Kenya

All Steps for Studying in Malaysia From Kenya

Going to study in Malaysia from Kenya is your opportunity to gain the skills, outlook and confidence you need to fulfil your potential....

Bus Accident Leaves 2 Dead in Eldoret-Nakuru Highway

Bus Accìdent Claims 2 on Eldoret-Nakuru Highway

Two people have been k¡lled in an acc¡dent on the Eldoret-Nakuru highway involving a Simba Coach bus taking people to Nairobi, police say....

Maverick Aoko in Court Over Cyberbullying, Released on Ksh100,000 Cash Bail

Maverick Aoko in Court Over Online Harrassment, Released on Ksh100,000 Cash Bail

Maverick Aoko, the woman who allegedly posted hateful online messages about the Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Soipan Tuya, leading to...