Equity Bank on Thursday night won five awards, including the prestigious Best Retail Bank in East Africa at the fourth Banker Africa East Africa Banking Awards, 2017.
Equity Bank, whose operations extend to Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Rwanda, Tanzania and DR Congo has 266 branches across Eastern Africa out of which 177 branches are in Kenya. The Bank was also named the Best Retail Bank in Kenya; Best Bank in CSR East Africa and the Best Digital Bank in Kenya. The Group Chief Executive Officer Dr James Mwangi was named the East African Banker of the Year.
“Equity Bank continues to challenge itself and develop products & services that meet the needs and aspirations of our customers in order to remain competitive while at the same time offering our customers exemplary experience,” said Dr Mwangi said.
Dr Mwangi reiterated the Bank’s continued support to its customers across the entire income spectrum with a suite of digital products to meet the ever evolving needs of its customers.
Each year The Banker, a publication on the banking sector, acknowledges banks for the best overall performance by country and region, with the winners chosen based on analysis of their financial results, as well as their strategic developments and overall achievements in the year.
The aim of the Awards programme, split into four individual regions (North Africa, East Africa, West Africa and Southern Africa), is to recognise outstanding performance and excellence in the financial services industry.
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