world Bank

61 Articles

Kenyan SMEs The Most Adversely Affected by COVID-19 in Sub Saharan Africa

75% of Kenyan SMEs on Facebook are reporting lower sales this year than last year


How Kenya’s Elite Siphoned Sh328 Billion Aid Money to Offshore Accounts

Report authors point fingers at Kenyan politicians over looted money meant to help poor Kenyans

Kenyan counties some sub-locations had no one counted on the night of the census.

Counties in Kenya Whose GDP Surpasses National Government’s

There are significant differences in the size of economy across counties counties with urban counties making large contributions to the national GDP.

A manufacturing unit. Combating corruption will increase consumers’ purchasing power and create stability in Kenya’s economy.

Spurring Kenya’s Economic Growth Will Take More than Ambitious Agendas

Kenya needs a streamlined regulatory environment that encourages investments into the manufacturing sector, in turn, creating new jobs.


Ugali, Chapati May Become a Luxury if Kenya Implements IMF Proposals to Increase Prices

Increasing unga prices in Kenya may bring the country to the brink akin to the 2007 violence.

KEPSA Chairman Nick Nesbitt, EAC CS Adan Mohamed and KEPSA CEO Carole Kariuki. KEPSA complains that so many people, for some reason, have the authority to stop a business from running.

What is Ailing Businesses in the Counties?

The net effect of the many rules and unpredictable policies in the country is the lack of competitiveness

A child takes water from a puddle in a slum. Despite the increased suffering among Kenyans, the World Bank thinks Kenyans are less poorer than they were 4 years ago.

World Bank Thinks You’re Less Poorer Than 4 Years Ago

The institution also poured cold water on Kenya’s ambitious budget projections

small business loans in Kenya - KYEOP opportunities

Kenya Govt Project Where Youth are Trained For Free and Paid

The government in partnership with World Bank has launched the Kenya Youth Employment and Opportunities Project.


Poverty levels to remain above 20% by 2030 on current growth

Kenya has been covered widely in economic news over the last decade, from the first large-scale application of mobile money to a vibrant...